Forage wagons, also known as silage wagons, hold and move large amounts of cut and processed crops such as hay, corn, and alfalfa, among others. They can either be attached to a forage harvester or pulled by a truck or tractor behind or alongside the harvester to collect forage crops. Some forage wagons for sale feature self-loading capabilities so they are able to pick up cut and chopped forage crops off the ground. These types of wagons range from 800 to 4000 cubic feet and are equipped with knives and rotary pickups to cut and collect crops into the wagon. Those designed to work in tandem with a forage harvester typically feature quick front, rear, or both unloading options.
Modern forage wagons also have a variety of other features to increase their functionality and improve versatility. They often feature a multi-purpose design that allows them to pick up cut crops during the spring and summer and also to transport silage during corn harvesting season in the fall. Many manufacturers of high capacity models also build forage wagons with heavyweight running gears and with roof or side extensions. Some types of forage wagons even have adjustable chopping and pickup systems to boost the forage supply as necessary. At Equipment Anywhere, interested buyers may find all different types of new and used forage wagons for sale from some of the leading manufacturers including John Deere, Gehl, Krone, CLAAS, H&S, Meyer, Miller Pro, and others.