The Common Assessment Standard in the UK

Build UK and the Civil Engineering Contractors Association, in an effort to cut down on inefficiencies in the construction industry, created the common assessment standard. Adopting the common assessment standard is becoming the norm in the UK construction industry. With more and more contractors getting accredited, the UK construction industry is now able to have one standard and many providers.

What is the Common Assessment Standard

The common assessment standard is a certification created to standardize the evaluation process. The CAS assists clients and contractors in increasing supply chain effectiveness, lowering supply chain risks, and locating trustworthy growth opportunities for the business. The common assessment standard consists of a set of questions that have been agreed upon by the industry and are based on PAS 91 and other PQ questionnaires that are currently being used.

TCAS to Improve the Supply Chain Process

Recent revisions to the common assessment standard take into account significant changes in the market, including the need for improved digital security, a push for more sustainability, and the increase in diversity in the construction sector. The common assessment standard has not yet become a legal necessity for construction companies. The common assessment standard has been modified to reflect the most recent changes to the IPA mandate and includes additional questions regarding sustainable practices, inclusion, and cyber security. There are new updates being made in the supply chain process, and a lot of companies find themselves evaluating their legal responsibilities and wondering whether they should adopt the common assessment standard. This revision is the most recent in an ongoing procedure of the constantly evolving legal documentation that is used in the construction industry.

While it may not be a legal requirement, for any company specifying this accreditation, it is a prerequisite. However, legal compliance should not be the only factor behind implementing the common assessment standard. Adopting these industry standards is not necessary, but the industrial equipment suppliers who end up doing so do benefit from it greatly. Contractors gain a certain edge when bidding for projects if they have adopted industry standards.

Overlaps in the supply chain process are not uncommon. Adopting common assessment standards to streamline the supply chain process could be quite beneficial for the industry as a whole. Similar accreditation or assessment standard requirements might also be good for the supply chain process in other countries.

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