How to Manage a Small Fleet

When you are managing a fleet, you need clear guidelines that outline all the responsibilities you will have as a fleet manager. Having precise guidelines will make it easier for you to optimize your role so you are able to focus on working hard. Recently, data has suggested that the growth of smaller fleets has outpaced that of larger fleets. In this context, smaller fleets refer to fleets with up to a hundred vehicles.

However, even if you are managing a small fleet, it can be extremely challenging, especially if you are working without proper technology and systems in place. To effectively manage your fleet, you need to carry out all necessary fleet operations no matter the size of your fleet. Despite being the manager of a small fleet, you still need a technology-driven fleet management system.

Smart Maintenance

When you are operating fleets, encountering issues like unplanned downtime is quite common. However, unexpected downtime usually results in a loss of productivity and revenue. You may even end up paying for the repair costs out of your own pocket.

Even if a single vehicle in your fleet needs to be sidelined because of some damage, your business may end up suffering from the loss of around 500 to 700 dollars of daily income. Your business may suffer even more if there are any missed deliveries or other missed opportunities. If you already have a small fleet, it is even more important that every one of your vehicles is serviced and ready to be on the road.

You need effective preventative maintenance to ensure that all the vehicles in your fleet are in perfect working condition. You can find out whether your vehicle is in need of repair with the help of integrated telematics. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s service manual. Regular preventative maintenance plays a huge part in ensuring that your vehicles are able to perform optimally.

Fuel Economy

If you are a small fleet manager, you need to make sure that you manage your fuel expenses effectively. Fuel prices are rising globally, making it very difficult to determine operational costs. In times like these, you need to work on achieving maximum fuel efficiency more than ever before. It is no use finding the best deal equipment if you are not fuel efficient.

There are a few different measures you can take to be more fuel efficient and make every drop count. There are several studies that suggest that you can improve fuel efficiency by 30% simply by ensuring that your drivers are behaving properly. For instance, some drivers leave the vehicle in idle for long intervals or drive aggressively. These are major fuel-wasting behaviors that you need to work on improving with your drivers.


Using telematics will make it easier for you to manage your fleet as it allows you to monitor your drivers. You will be able to identify any drivers who are behaving inappropriately. It will also allow you to track how much fuel your vehicle consumes and see if there is any improvement after its servicing. With telematics, you will be able to coach your drivers in real-time and correct any bad driving behavior they may have. If you are a small fleet owner, you should consider investing in telematics as it will provide you with these fuel-saving benefits.

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